Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pie day

I am really going try to make this short cause I am tired. Today was my off day. It was simply, but I enjoyed it. I wanted to go to Dongdaemun, but Sister Residori said that it was going to get warmer this weekend so I decided to wait, but I don't see it getting warmer any time soon so I think I might have to just bite the bullet, and go. Well I went to the mission office to have lunch with Sister Residori, and we just stayed again for the institute lunch which was fine. I love it. People make here make me laugh, and I love how gracious they are. Well after lunch I went to the Burtons. I helped make pies for dinner tomorrow. I have to tell you that every time I think of making new desserts I think of the horrible fudge disaster of '04. Some know what I am talking about and others may not so lets just say I was the worst fudge maker on the planet! Stef stills teases me about it to this day. Pie? This was going to be new for me. I have never done anything having to do with pies aside from eating them. I remeber always watching my Grandma make pie's and just thinking that she was too cool for school which she is. I got to roll out some dough and Grandma would have been proud because I had an excellent rolling pin method I think. That would be something that has taken me years to get right. I liked it since Sister Burton will have no part in me bringing anything tomorrow I feel like in some small way I contributed. Well after that we watched The Cronicles of Naria. I love that movie. I notice something different every time I watch it. This time would have to be how the youngest girl is a horrible crier, and how easily I jump whenever a wolf would come out of no where. Most of you know how into movies I get. That is one movie that will always keep me on my toes. After that we all went to the English class which was great, and then I journeyed home. It's getting colder outside. I would really just like it to snow hard so that I can at least say that it is cold enough to snow, and know that I am not just being a baby. Well thats all for today. I am looking forward to tomorrow. I love my birthday, and Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday so having them both on the same day is great! Oh how I do love turkey. I didn't take any pictures today sorry I know I should have. I promise to take some mananna, and I will get a picture of the pies. Mom said that my blog just isn't complete without pictures so here you go. It's Me, Ash, Emma, and Nikky. Brittney got cut out but she is there in spirit. After all this time this picture still doesn't get old.

I like how no matter how hard I try I always get long posts!


BrittanyB said...

I love that your posts are always long too ;) And you'll have to show me your rolling pin skills when we have our christmas cookie making day since neither of us were invited to candy making day this year.

Stef (a.k.a. Cuatro's Mom) said...

Your fudge ate a knife. A metal knife. How could I not make fun of you? I am glad that you are working on your domestic skills.

If you were cool you could come to candy day, but apparently you aren't.

Oh, and happy 18th birthday. I believe it is now 4:15am your time so it is official. Yeah you. Now you can leagally ride a bike without a helmet here in the states.

Alicia Dolores said...

Since I'm gonna try to stay away from the computer tomorrow have a Happy Early Birthday!!

Garrett said...

that picture is way olD!
it is probably cuz im not in it.

anyways it sounds like u r having the time of ur life... always parting and being tired.

its good to know that im ur favortist whitest littlest kid u know.


Unknown said...

hahaha, you and your blogs. goodtimes. i can't believe your 18 already. your legal for like almost everything. i hope you have a wonderful turky day and bday!! :) i miss you